Home Care Instructions

Facts You Should Know

  • Each pet is unique and how they respond and recover from anesthesia varies. In general we have dismissed your pet only after they are able to stand and walk out of the practice.
  • Your pet will need to rest the night after surgery, so please watch them closely, but also give them their space so they can sleep and recover. It is normal for your pet to remain a little drowsy after going home.
  • Young and active pets may come home and be very active and be their normal self. Please do your best to not encourage activity with no play, long walks, or other exercise.
  • It may be 24-72 hours before your pet is back to their normal.
  • Pets will often chew and lick and stitches, so if needed make sure your pet has an e-collar available in case you need it.
  • Do NOT give Aspirin or Tylenol. These can cause excessive bleeding or be toxic to your pet. An additional safe and effective pain injection can be given at the time of discharge if the pet appears to be uncomfortable.
  • Be sure to keep the pet WARM & DRY as they recover.


  • Give only small amounts water at frequent intervals tonight. You can offer a few laps every 15‑30 minutes for the first 3-4 hours after you get home. Do NOT let your pet drink a large quantity at one time—or vomiting may occur. If no vomiting occurs by bedtime, leave water available to the pet during the night.
  • In general do not feed your pet any food until the morning after surgery. Anesthesia and abdominal surgery may cause nausea and vomiting if the pet is fed directly after surgery.
  • Regular diet morning after surgery. You may feed you pet a small meal after 8 pm if the following apply:
  • Your pet has had a normal activity level.
  • If they have had no vomiting since coming home.
  • They are acting starved and just will not wait till morning.